Bend Yoga

Workshop: Restorative Yoga
with Kimberly P.

February 12 (Sunday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Class type

Do you need more rest and relaxation in your life? Or maybe just a better night's sleep?

Join us for a two-hour workshop on Restorative Yoga! Kimberly P. will teach you how to create a restorative home-practice, using tools and props you already own. Restorative Yoga is a slow, gentle type of yoga that involves a lot of lying on the floor and relaxing. Which often leads to a nap... or a deeper night's sleep.

Learn about the physiological effects yoga can have on your nervous system, and why that's important in the first place.  Learn how the Yamas and Niyamas of yoga's philosophical background point us towards this type of self-care. You'll leave with additional, free resources you can use at home to carry on taking good care of yourself.

Bring a pen/pencil, your yoga mat, and come dressed to move. Because the best way to learn about the body is to use the one you've got!

Annual, Regular & Mini members: use code WORKSHOP20 to save $5.

This workshop is part of the Bend Yoga teacher training program and is open to everyone.


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