Bend Yoga

Workshop: Mindfulness and Meditation
with Caitlin H.

February 26 (Sunday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Class type

Turn you inner volume down and your focus up. Learn how to build a mindfulness practice in your everyday life and as a seated meditation habit. 

Join us for a two-hour workshop on mindfulness and meditation. Meditation is an ancient practice that can be helpful in these modern times to increase your capacity to focus, to regulate your emotions, and to cultivate kindness -- towards yourself and others. Mindfulness is a style of meditation and also a way to experience life in the present moment. Caitlin H. will teach you how to get started building a meditation habit, with plenty of tips and tricks to try at home. Learn the origins of meditation, how it impacts the brain, and how you can use this timeless practice in your everyday life.

Come prepared to sit, meditate, talk, listen and learn. We provide blankets and cushions so you can get comfy; yoga mats are not needed.  

Annual, Regular & Mini members: use code WORKSHOP20 to save $5.

This workshop is part of the Bend Yoga teacher training program and is open to everyone.


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